Rules of Conduct


1) All members must be card-bearing and current in yearly dues/training fees to claim membership in “Houston Jujutsu Academy” (HJA). Membership expires on the 31st of December of each year. Failure to renew yearly membership fees results in the LOSS of all ranks earned under “Houston Jujutsu Academy” (HJA).

2) No member shall engage in any activity that brings discredit upon themselves and/or the HJA.

3) No member shall frequent places of ill-repute, unless in training.

4) No member shall display their techniques to a non-member.

5) No member shall present a dirty or unkempt appearance in the dojo.

6) No member shall engage in romantic endeavors within the dojo.

7) All members shall treat Dan degrees/officials with respect.

8) No member shall use profane language within the dojo.

9) No member shall use alcohol to the excess or engage in the use of illegal drugs.

10) All members must pay their monthly training fees on time.

11) All members must wear the proper HJA patches on their gi’s.

12) All members must be courteous and respectful towards fellow students.

13) Gi’s must be in good repair at all times. Patches are to be machine-sewn on the gi.

14) Toenails and fingernails are to be short, clean and neatly trimmed in the dojo.


The oriental cultures are inundated with mazes of social customs and etiquette. This is especially true of the Japanese and the Japanese martial arts. We in HJA recognize and observe many of these customs because they emphasize respect and facilitate the proper atmosphere for learning the martial arts. Below are a list of a few everyone should observe.

A) Always remove your shoes when entering a dojo or training area and never walk on the tatami with your shoes.

B) When one hears the command “kiosuke” (kee-o-skae), they should immediately come to attention and get ready to bow. The command “rei” is the command to execute the bow. If training is underway and one hears the command “kiosuke”, they should immediately come to attention and face the entrance, ready for the command of “rei”. This is an indication that a dignitary has entered the dojo.

C) If at any time a students hears the command “matei” (mah-tay), the student must immediately stop what they are doing and give their attention to the instructor.

D) A junior student should never straighten up from a bow before a senior student or instructor.

E) If a person of senior rank is already on the tatami, one should ask for permission before stepping onto or off the tatami.

F) When lining up to begin class, the dojo is divided into an upper and lower side with a corresponding upper and lower seat. Students should never position themselves in the dojo in a place above their senior students or instructors.

G) When sitting in a informal sitting posture, students should never expose the soles of their feet toward the instructor. This is considered a very serious insult in the Orient as it is a sign of extreme disrespect. The soles of your feet are the lowest part your body, therefore, deliberately exposing the bottom of your feet toward someone is an indication that you consider them beneath you.

H) A student should always refer to their instructor by their title and last name. The instructor is the only one who should call upon someone by their first name.

I) If the headmaster or head instructor has to instruct a beginning student on etiquette, then the senior students have failed in their duties.

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